Today, in this article, we will give you all the information about what is joint pain, why you have joint pain, what is its cause, what are its symptoms, what is its treatment. so You must read this article from beginning to end.
Joints are important parts of the body that play an important role in our daily life activities like getting up, sitting, sleeping, walking, etc. But many times, due to some conditions, when there is pain in the joints of the body like the elbow, knee, ankle, shoulder, hip, etc., we have to face a lot of difficulties in completing the tasks of our daily lives.
Generally, joint pain is seen in old people, but due to injury, sprain, or any disease, it can also be seen in children or young people. In this blog, we try to learn in detail about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of joint pain.
What is joint pain?
When there is pain in the joint of two or more bones of the body due to an injury, disease, or nutritional deficiency, it can be called joint pain.
Types of joint pain
Joint pain can be acute for a few days or weeks, while chronic pain can last for a few weeks, months, or years. There are mainly seven types of joint pain, which are as follows:
1.) Knee pain
2.) Shoulder pain
3.) Hip pain
4.) Leg pain
5.) Pain in the hands
6.) Pain in the neck
7.) Elbow pain
Why do joints pain?
Injury and arthritis can be the main reasons behind joint pain, but joint pain can be seen for many other reasons. Following are the main causes of joint pain:
1.) Arthritis: Many types of arthritis also cause joint pain, such as osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, etc.
2.) Bursitis: This is caused by inflammation of the fluid sacs found in the joints. Bursitis causes severe burning and pain in the joints.
3.) Injury: An accidental injury or sprain can cause permanent or temporary joint pain.
4.) Tendonitis: Inflammation of the fibers that connect muscles and bones can cause joint pain.
5.) Adult Still’s disease: This is a rare disease characterized by inflammation and pain in the joints. It is characterized by fever and joint pain.
6.) Osteonecrosis: In this disease, bone tissue starts dying due to a lack of blood supply.
7.) Bone cancer can cause joint pain.
8.) Fibromyalgia: This is a type of disorder characterized by fatigue and joint pain.
9.) Hypothyroidism: When the thyroid gland does not secrete the necessary hormones, problems like joint pain, obesity, and impotence are seen.
10.) Leukemia: This is a type of cancer that occurs in the blood-forming tissues. It also occurs in the bone marrow and lymphatic system, causing joint pain.
11.) Lupus: This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system starts destroying tissues and organs. This causes swelling and pain in the joints.
12.) Lyme disease: This is a disease caused by some bacteria in which there is pain in different joints.
13.) Rickets: Vitamin D deficiency causes this disease in children, which causes pain in the bones and muscles.
Symptoms of joint pain
When there is pain in the joints, it can be easily felt through some symptoms. Some symptoms can be seen in cases of joint pain, as follows:
1.) Feeling swollen and sore
2.) A feeling of numbness in the joints
3.) Crackling of joints when walking
4.) Pain on walking
5.) Difficulty in flexing and straightening the joints
6.) Loss of motion in joints
7.) Redness and swelling of the joints
Treatment of joint pain
Joint pain treatment without surgery
Home Remedies (घरेलू उपाय)
1.) Hot fomentation: Pouring hot water in a bottle and applying it to the muscles of the joints increases blood circulation, which reduces pain in the knees.
2.) Cold compress: Applying ice cubes wrapped in a cotton cloth to the joints reduces swelling and gives a feeling of numbness instead of pain.
3.) Warm Bath: Taking a bath with lukewarm water increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the joints of the whole body, which reduces joint pain.
4.) Massage: Massaging the joints with any oil increases mobility and flexibility in the muscles of the joints, which reduces knee pain.
When joint pain increases and home remedies do not provide relief, doctors give some medicines and therapy. If there is no relief from joint pain, the orthopedic surgeon should prescribe medicine according to the situation.
Medicines ![Best medicine for Joint pain](
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1.) Counter-irritants: These creams and ointments contain menthol and capsaicin, which reduce joint pain signals.
2.) Steroids: Corticosteroid medication is taken in injection and pill form. This gives relief from knee pain and swelling.
3.) Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: These drugs are used to protect joints and other tissues from permanent damage. These drugs are mainly used for rheumatoid arthritis.
4.) Therapy: Joint pain can be reduced by doing some exercises on the advice of the doctor. Doctors also treat joint pain with the help of acupuncture therapy. Some other therapies are as follows:
5.) Hydrotherapy: In this therapy, exercises are taught in a swimming pool with lukewarm water, which helps to heal the swelling around the joints.
6.) Physiotherapy: In this therapy, it is recommended to do special exercises based on the pain in the joints.
7.) Occupational therapy: In this, therapists recommend doing any work in such a way that the chances of joint pain are lessened.
Surgical treatment of joint pain
1.) Joint Repair: In this surgery, the surfaces of the joints are smoothed with the help of an arthroscope.
2.) Joint Replacement: In this surgery, an artificial joint is replaced by removing the damaged joint.
3.) Joint Fusion: This surgery is performed to correct defects in small joints.
Knee pain should not be ignored. Because it can also become the cause of your disability in the future. If this problem occurs, a doctor should be consulted.
Question 1: What is the cause of joint pain?
Answer: Joint pain is caused by many reasons, of which nutritional deficiency is one of the main reasons. Joint pain is usually caused by a calcium and vitamin D deficiency.
Question 2: What should I eat when there is pain in the joints?
Answer: According to America’s National Institute of Health, calcium deficiency can be overcome by eating oranges, soybeans, milk, salmon, and vanilla ice cream in cases of joint pain. Apart from this, vitamin D is obtained by eating the yellow part of the egg (yolk) or salted fish. In this way, joint pain can be reduced.
Question 3: Which is the Ayurvedic medicine for joint pain?
Answer: For joint pain, turmeric, ginger, ashwagandha, asparagus, triphala, massage, and exercise can provide relief from pain. All these Ayurvedic remedies reduce the swelling of joints, which gives relief from pain.
Question 4: Does calcium deficiency cause joint pain?
Answer: Generally, due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D, the bones become weak, so the chances of breaking bones are higher due to a lack of calcium. Long-term calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis, osteopenia, and rickets.
Question 5: Which fruit has the most calcium?
Answer: Although the amount of calcium is found in many fruits, the fruits with the most calcium are orange, kiwi, berries, pineapple, papaya, and apricot, in which a good amount of calcium is found.
Question 6: What are joint pain and stiffness?
Answer: Pain and stiffness in the joints are the main symptoms of arthritis. Apart from this, there can be other reasons for joint pain and stiffness, such as gout, bursitis, viral infection, injury, and tendonitis. In this case, an experienced orthopedic doctor should be consulted. If you want, you can consult an experienced orthopedic doctor with the help of Hexa Health.
Question 7: How to increase lubrication in joints
Answer: To increase the smoothness of the joints, regular exercise should be done daily. By exercising, the amount of synovial fluid in the joints remains balanced. Apart from this, you can eat omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant foods like citrus fruits and salmon. Allicin is found in onions and ginger, which can increase the decreased lubrication.