Sifa Ayurveda – 100% Certified & Ayurvedic Products



There can be a tear or deep division in different parts of the body called a fissure. The cerebral cortex can develop a fissure as a deep fold. An injury to the inner lining of the anus may also cause fissures, for example due to stretching of the anal canal or discharging of hard dry stools. Fissures may also appear in liver, tongue, and chest areas.


Types of Fissure 

Symptoms of acute fissures are most often seen in the anal and cerebral regions. The condition usually heals within six weeks.

Fissure that persists for more than six weeks and requires more time to heal.

There is an auricular fissure in the temporal bone of the brain.

There is a fissure of Bichat in the cerebellum of the brain below the corpus callosum

A Henles Fissure is a space between the heart’s muscle fibers.

Located on the liver’s surface is the portal fissure.

Tongue fissures can be caused by malnutrition or Down syndrome.

Our Approach

Health problems and diseases can result from body fissures. Many people, despite knowing and assessing the underlying causes, still suffer from fissures and uncomfortable situations. Along with dietary fiber, fluids, stool softener, and oils, herbal remedies are very effective in treating fissures. Fissure can be treated with ayurvedic medication, which has no side effects.


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