Sifa Ayurveda – 100% Certified & Ayurvedic Products

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Why Cervical Pain Happens & Symptoms

Many people have occasional neck pain or stiffness. In many situations, it is the result of bad posture, misuse, or sleeping in an awkward position. Neck pain is sometimes caused by an injury from a fall, contact sports, or whiplash.

Mainly Reasons of Cervical Pain

  • Poor posture
  • Working at a desk for too long without changing position
  • Sleeping with your neck in a bad position
  • Jerking your neck during exercise

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How To Use Sifa Ortho Cervical Care

The ayurvedic bone and joint health restorative properties of SIFA ORTHO CERVICAL CARE help to restore the natural strength of the bones after a fracture.

These powder also help to recover bone integrity and the tensile strength of the bones are weakened due to age or osteoporosis. SIFA ORTHO CERVICAL CARE Powder also help to maintain joint health and prevent osteoarthritic conditions.

Dosages: Take two tablespoon twice daily or consume as directed by the our experts.

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